Friday, April 29, 2011

Invisalign® No one will know!

In todays very busy and aesthetically aware professional world, little forgiveness is allowed for the way we look; looking good is a must.  Somewhat verboten are the signs of treating or problems that are usually associated with adolescence, such as acne, or our subject today, metal “railroad-track” braces.

Now for adults, who may have never had the chance to get braces as a child, there is a virtually invisible solution to crooked teeth; Invisalign. Almost everyone prefers Invisalign’s® clear and removable orthodontic solution to traditional brackets and wires. And though it is high technology, it is tried and true; Invisalign® has the experience of over 1,000,000 patients worldwide, and has a 96% of patient satisfaction rate.  In fact, Invisalign® is so comfortable and so aesthetic that surveys indicate that 9 out of 10 patients would recommend Invisalign® to their friends and family. It is also for teens now too.

Invisalign® treatment consists of a series of aligners that you change approximately every two weeks. Each aligner is individually manufactured with exact specifications to gradually shift your teeth to where they belong. And since your Invisalign® system is custom-made for your teeth and your teeth only, with a plan devised by you and Dr. Colleran, you know you'll end up with a smile that truly fits. It is nice to know what you will look like before you start treatment.

Invisalign® is a patented proprietary system that uses 3D modeling software and cutting-edge manufacturing technology to provide a clear, removable solution for straightening teeth. Invisalign® able to treat a wide variety of orthodontic issues including:  Crowding, rotation, spacing, over bite, under bite, deep bite, open bite and mid-line shifts.

Call and ask for a free consultation with Dr. Colleran for your Invisalign® treatment.